Kick-off event Coalition for Sustainable Business Travel

September 21, 2022
Accenture, Brussels

In order to push sustainable travel forward, Bond Beter Leefmilieu unites these organisations in a strong coalition. As such, the organisations create a rich network and stay up to date with good practices, new insights and examples from abroad. As a coalition, we also work towards a better policy framework that offers more opportunities for sustainable business travel. The first event of the Business Travel Pioneers took place on 21 September.  

If there is one positive thing we can say about the corona pandemic, it is that we all made great improvements regarding virtual meetings. Organisations invested massively in digitalisation and we immersed ourselves in the wide world of Zoom, Teams and Google Meet. Even now that our freedom of movement has returned, many organisations do not want to go back to the pre-corona travel policy: they have learned that things can be done differently, more efficiently and with lower costs. In addition, organisations want to reduce their climate impact more than ever and  business travel can be a quick win to do so. More and more Belgian companies are therefore developing a sustainable travel policy. They prioritise the train for international meetings and make their air travel more sustainable, e.g. by avoiding indirect flights.

In order to reinforce these advantages and push sustainable travel forward, Bond Beter Leefmilieu unites these organisations in a strong coalition. As such, the organisations create a rich network and stay up to date with good practices, new insights and examples from abroad. As a coalition, we also work towards a better policy framework that offers more opportunities for sustainable business travel. The first event of the Business Travel Pioneers took place on 21 September. 

Here you can find the insightful presentations that were given, with contact details of the speakers.

The programme

  • Introduction - Bond Beter Leefmilieu
  • Workshop: Monitoring and reporting air travel emissions - Willem Melis (Climate Neutral Group) 
  • Workshop: Good practices and challenges - Roundtable by Jonas Van Bockhaven (The Shift)
  • Presentation: A sustainable travel policy with three action points - Kris Bachus (KULeuven) 
  • Presentation: Accelerating a sustainable future for aviation - Denise Auclair (Transport & Environment)
  • Presentation: Coalition Anders Reizen in the Netherlands - Hugo Houppermans (Anders Reizen)

