How to become a pioneer in sustainable business travel

Jolan Rijmenams
11 Mar 2022

Aviation today accounts for about 3.5 percent of Europe's CO2 emissions. And that share is increasing at a rapid pace. Over the past 30 years, aviation emissions have doubled, and they are expected to triple by 2050. This puts enormous pressure on the climate. The share of business travellers in this cannot be underestimated. As a company, how can you become a pioneer of sustainable change?

Business travellers make up 1 percent of the world's population but account for half of aviation emissions. That a third of that group travels in first class makes their footprint per kilometre 2.6 to 4.3 times larger than a passenger travelling in second class. So as a company, can you make a substantial difference to reduce those emissions?

What can you do concretely?

Adjust your travel policy so that we emit less CO2 even after covid.

  • Avoid travel and meet remotely via tele- and videoconferencing as much as possible. As an organisation, invest in the necessary infrastructure and training. 
  • Take the train or bus to European cities that you can reach in no more than eight hours, or that are less than 700 kilometres away. Here, make a distinction between cities to which you as a company or organisation do not fly by default, because there is an obvious and easy alternative, and slightly more distant or more difficult to reach cities to which it is preferable not to fly.
  • Make employees more aware of their travel behaviour and choices. Communication campaigns, internal ambassadors, management leading by example and even gamification facilitate the implementation of a sustainable travel policy.  And at the same time, make sure it is supported by employees. 
  • Monitor the evolution of the number of business trips and their emissions, including air travel. If necessary, differentiate by department.
  • Do you have to fly? Then choose economy class, avoid stopovers and transfer flights and introduce a CO2 contribution, possibly voluntary.

Want to define your travel policy? Find more info here.

On 17 December 2021, together with Netwerk Duurzame Mobiliteit and Fietsersbond, we organised a digital inspiration day on sustainable company mobility. We inspired and informed 155 employers and employees on this topic and shared knowledge and good practices. Re-view the session on business travel below.

Reducing business flying is more possible than ever. But how do you outline such a sustainable travel policy for your company and what are its pillars? You will find out in this session. Rebecca Lefevere, sustainability policy officer at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, will explain the VUB Travel-ABC. The VUB Travel-ABC was adopted in 2019 to reconcile the internationalisation of the VUB with its climate impact. Jolan Rijmenans, transport policy expert at Bond Beter Leefmilieu, moderates the talk.