Official signing of statement

Naomi Cambien
24 Jan 2023

12 companies and universities, representing a total of about 48,000 employees, today officially joined the Business Travel Pioneers, an initiative of Bond Beter Leefmilieu. By doing so, the signatories commit to drawing up concrete sustainable travel policies to reduce the climate impact of their business trips. In the presence of Minister Gilkinet, the forerunners signed the coalition's engagement statement.

Frequent flyers make up one per cent of the world's population but account for half of aviation emissions. Moreover, business travellers themselves are calling for sustainable travel policies: a recent survey shows that three quarters want to fly less, and that curbed post-corona travel habits have a positive impact on work-life balance, productivity, health and motivation.

The brand new coalition, an initiative of Bond Beter Leefmilieu, The Shift, Climate Neutral Group and Canopea, brings together frontrunners in sustainable business travel and motivates them to fully opt for a travel policy that is good for employees and climate. The signatories are committed to avoiding unnecessary travel and air travel.

Among other things, a Knowledge Guide provides members with a concrete roadmap to reduce their air travel. "The ultimate goal is to remove barriers so that sustainable options become the most obvious and attractive choice. By supporting companies and universities in taking concrete actions and mapping their needs, sustainability will gain momentum," concludes Naomi Cambien of Bond Beter Leefmilieu.

"At Nestlé, every action counts to achieve our goal of net zero CO2 emissions. A sustainable business travel policy is an integral part of this. It also has the double benefit of creating pride among our employees while inspiring them to think about an alternative way to travel," said Kris Veirier-Peeters, of Nestlé Belgilux.

"International travel is very important for academia, but at the same time we want to send a clear message from the University of Antwerp that it can be more sustainable. Air travel accounts for annual emissions of around 4,000 tonnes CO2eq which is 10% of our total carbon footprint. By joining the coalition, we want to further sharpen our sustainable travel policy and reduce at least 30% of air miles by 2030," says rector Herman Van Goethem of the University of Antwerp.

Federal Mobility Minister Georges Gilkinet gives his full support to this coalition. He also supports them financially. "More and more companies and universities are opting for the train when they travel on business. By learning from each other and making their travel policies more sustainable, they are setting a good example and together can have a huge positive impact on our climate and the well-being of employees. As minister, I am working systematically to support this, including through a draft law on government support for night trains. This is a first in Europe, aimed at supporting the rebirth of the night train and making Brussels a night train hub. This should also be higher on the agenda at European level. Every time it is possible, I raise the issue with my European colleagues."

The signatories of the Sustainable Business Travel Coalition's engagement statement are: Accenture, College of Europe, ICHEC Brussels Management School, KU Leuven, La Monnaie / De Munt, Nestlé Belgilux, Sweco Belgium bv, Universiteit Antwerpen, Université de Liège, Universiteit Gent, Verhofsté nv, Vrije Universiteit Brussel.